Democracy's tools are simple. What about a referendum, a vote where people have to answer yes or no to a question. For the referendum initiator it's a basic tool to validate population agreement with a specific political orientations. Once the yes answer succeeds, he is in a appropriate position to act given his people allowed him to.
In Europe, all the countries of European Economic Community have organized referendums to ask their respective populations: "Do you want your country to enter in Europe?". People voted and answered yes or no. In the country where the yes answer got the majority, the president got the momentum to act thanks to a democratic legitimacy. It was the case in France and Germany for instance. In the countries where the no answer got the lead, like the UK, the president didn't get the momentum and delayed potential entrance of his country in European Economic Community.
Following the same idea, launch a referendum inside your organization to secure people who are in line with your strategic orientations. Contrary to national political votes, you can do it electronically and don't necessary need the majority to act. Everyone know that a committed, enthusiastic 25 percent of an employee population can sweep the entire organization along with them because most people do not actively resist. The key being to inform people of the rules before. Through referendums, boards of directors could validate the readiness of the population of employee to embrace the targeted change.
Start the idea in small amounts, at a subsidiary scale for instance, on a secondary importance business orientations. Then decline it in big.
Note: Managing Softly is a book written by me. It has been published in US. You can buy it clicking here. To discover 12 reasons to read that book, click here. To discover what this blog can offer you, click here.